Friday, December 4, 2009

Mmmm. Hollandaise.

I managed to rock Thanksgiving leftovers for a solid week, but I'm over it. Enough with the soup, casserole and the sandwiches.

Bring on the eggs and butter!

It is crab season in Humboldt Bay. A friend recently brought over several fresh ones.

I couldn't think of anything more attractive to my palate than crab and advocado Benedict.

It was delicious.

A couple of notes:

I started with this recipe:

It turns out that making Hollandaise from scratch is pretty simple. Don't be afraid of the double broiler or breaking the sauce. I broke this one twice before getting it right.

If the sauce curdles there is a easy trick. Merely pour the curdled mixture out of the double broiler. Next, add one additional egg yolk into the empty bowl. Whisk the yolk slowly then add the curdled mixture slowly back in.

This smooth sauce appears to be pure decadence but some current research indicates that eggs are an amazing source of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids Butter is much better for our bodies than any margerine or other engineered oil. These whole foods shoul be key parts of our diets. Do not feel guilty about this one. Share it with friends.

And bless the French for this wonderful brunch treat.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving.

A year ago I began blogging on food. The past year has seen many changes but good food and (normally) healthy eating are still a major focus.

Last year Thanksgiving was just three of us. We pushed ourselves into the realm of the gourmand and shared an intimate dinner amongst family.

This Thanksgiving we served a traditional menu, with some Northern California touches (what meal is complete without garden fresh kale and pumpkins?)

Another change was the guest list. This year we cooked for 15. I would like to express my extreme gratitude to all who brought dishes, did dishes and complimented dishes.

Thanks also to those who have followed my cooking and eating exploits over the past year. More is to come. Look for future entries in health; food and body awareness; corprate agribusiness; and organic food production.

Happy cooking and eating!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wedding Fare

What do you take to a vegetarian pot luck wedding? It needed to be portable, servable without bowls or exotic utensils. There was no way to reheat anything and the event was a two hour drive away from the kitchen. Another consideration involved using some of our fresh garden produce.

A roasted vegetable rattatouie fit the bill very well and went over nicely. It was actually better once served cold than it was fresh off the stove.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yes, I have A fetish for southern comfort food.

My favorite thing this time around was using the grill for frying. I set the two large pots right sown on the grill surface. The wind made consistent heat levels a challenge but the benefits were clear. I saved two spots on the stove for the kale, mashed potatoes, etc. I also saved a lot of cleanup work as all of the oil stayed outside with th grill.

Happy cooking and dining!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beginning a day well

My favorite breakfast in a while.

Fried Salmon with leftover BBQ sauce

BBQ Season

This one was fun. Grilled endive and radicchio served as the base. Steaks of tofu and garden fresh zucchini hold down the plate. Grilled corn and spicy bbq finished it off. It was a perfect summer dinner.